Thursday 4 July 2013

When The Spider Spins Its Web

Beverley M. Photography

While taking a leisurely walk with the camera just yesterday, I accidentally walked into a spiderweb stretched across the walkway. Well, at least, it was the outer edges of the web. The web itself remained intact and in place..and I was saved from doing a rather unladylike dance with my arms flapping around in the air like a mad thing. Stepping back from the floating masterpiece that this tiny little spider had created, I could marvel at its complexity and the size of the chasm the little furry fellow had crossed in order to spin it. Nature takes my breath away.


  1. Beeeautiful my sweetheart! I love you so much!!!

    Beeeg hugs

    1. Thank you Mumz!

      I love you so much too! mwah!
