A couple of months ago(April- to be exact), I was able to second-shoot a wedding with a fantastic photographer from my area, Laura Versfeld from Laura Versfeld Photography.
She was such a lovely person to work with and I came away from the wedding feeling super inspired!
The wedding was held at the Swartberg Country Manor, a beautiful little guest farm outside of Oudtshoorn, and what a lovely day it was. Please be sure to check out the full wedding on Laura's website, what you see blogged here is only the tip of the iceberg!

She was such a lovely person to work with and I came away from the wedding feeling super inspired!
The wedding was held at the Swartberg Country Manor, a beautiful little guest farm outside of Oudtshoorn, and what a lovely day it was. Please be sure to check out the full wedding on Laura's website, what you see blogged here is only the tip of the iceberg!